What is meant by Agile?
Agility is the ability to both create and respond to change in order to profit in a turbulent business environment. Agility is the ability to balance flexibility and stability
What is the Basic process of the Scrum Method of Agile Development?
Scrum software development is an iterative, incremental framework. Scrum structures product development in cycles of work called Sprints, iterations of work which are typically 1- 4 weeks in length, and which take place one after the other. The Sprints are of fixed duration– they end on a specific date whether the work has been completed or not, and are never extended. At the beginning of each Sprint, a cross-functional team selects items from a prioritized list of requirements, and commits to complete them by the end of the Sprint.During the Sprint, the deliverable does not change. Each work day, the team gathers briefly to report to each other on progress, and update simple charts that orient them to the work remaining. At the end of the Sprint, the team demonstrates what they have built, and gets feedback which can then be incorporated in the next Sprint.Scrum emphasizes producing working product at the end of the Sprint is really “done”; in the case of software, this means code that is fully tested and potentially shippable.
How should Agile PM manage his Team?
As a project manager’s that is your role to actively facilitate collaboration and establish the conditions for good relationships Good relationships among team members starts with the project manager’s relationship with the team members. You set the standard and are the role model for the others. You need to take steps to get to know each team member as a person – know what makes each of them tick outside of work and what motivates each of them at work. In addition, by treating each person with respect you establish the model for working relationships on the team. In addition to getting to know the team members yourself, you should help team members get to know each other also by creating opportunities and the right conditions. Opportunities can be created from planning games, everyday interaction, and special events. To set the right conditions, you must establish an environment in which team members treat each other with respect. You may even need to intervene to stop disrespectful behavior.
How do you assign tasks to the team in Agile Project Management?
By telling your team what to do, you at some level are telling them that what they’ve done has not been successful. That’s probably not what you mean. However, tell them why you want something, and ask for their help, and the underlying message is “you’ve done well in the past, so here’s something new.” Even when you put rules in place (governance rules, if you will), you can still educate as to the “why” and get more acceptance than you would otherwise. And, if you have the opportunity to get input, and adjust your rules with feedback, even better. Much better Study the team members interest as well as effiency to related work according to study divide team into parts and assign work and time duration.
Do different projects need different processes & methodologies?
Yes, that is where Focusing on skills, communication, and community allows the project to be more effective and more agile than focusing merely on processes. One size methodology doesn’t fit all project types.
What do we achieve after adopting the Agile methodology?
1. There are five key business objectives for a good exploration process such as Agile Project Management (APM):
2. Continuous innovation— to deliver on current customer requirements
3. Product adaptability— to deliver on future customer requirements
4. Reduced delivery schedules— to meet market windows and improve return on investment (ROI)
People and process adaptability— to respond rapidly to product and business change
6. Reliable results— to support business growth and profitability
What are the core principles of Agile Project Management?
Agile Project Management believes in core values and enduring purpose. Why teams exist, what we intend to build, whom we build it for, and how we work together also form the core principles of APM. If we want to build great products, we need great people. If we want to attract and keep great people, we need a great organization. The core value of an egalitarian meritocracy runs deep in the agile movement. It is surely not the only core value that can produce products, but it is a core value that defines how the majority of agilists view themselves
What are ‘Continuous feature delivery’ benefits in Agile Software development?
To get the customer feedback early. Iterations allow you to manage risk sooner—you do not haveto build the whole product to find out if you can meet a particular specification.
Another benefit of continuous feature delivery is that for some products, software being a good example, incremental releases can provide early benefits. Rather than wait 12 or 18 months for new software features, incremental delivery can provide quarterly or even more frequent ones. Incremental releases can favorably alter ROI calculations because they allow product managers to address opportunities that would be lost in 18 months. However, even though some products can be developed iteratively using simulations or prototypes, they are very difficult to release incrementally. As the battle over Web browsers showed in the late 1990s, customers often can't assimilate new product releases every three to four months.
Why Six Sigma?
Six Sigma is a highly disciplined approach that enables us to focus on creating and delivering nearly-perfect products and services. The underlying idea being that if you can measure how many "defects" you have in a process, you can systematically figure out a way to eliminate them and get as close to "zero defects" as possible. This concept is the motivating factor why employers today are increasingly searching for candidates with this type of certification.
What are the prerequisites/do I have to take the "belts" in order?
There are no prerequisites for Yellow belt programs however for doing Master Black belt one must already be black belt certified. Similarly for Black Belt certification one needs to be Green Belt certified with required number of hands on projects validated.
What are the certification requirements for Six Sigma Certification?
Master Black Belt: Successful completion of our Black Belt Program (90% minimum exam scores) & submission of 2 additional Black Belt Projects.
The final project for our Black Belt Program is a written business plan that utilizes the Six Sigma method to reflect a cost benefit. The written business plan is a review of your comprehension of the material and your understanding of project implementation. You are not required to complete the project in a "live" business environment (i.e. it can be hypothetically based). Additionally, this project is not required for Yellow Belt, Green Belt, or Lean/DFSS Certification.
Do you offer a "Basic Black Belt Certification" (i.e. with no project requirement)?
No, Black Belt Certifications that have been obtained without a project are not typically recognized by the six sigma community as a true "Six Sigma Black Belt Certification". We can only provide a Black Belt Certification upon successful completion of a final project.
Do you offer a "simulated project" or "virtual project"?
We do not provide "virtual" or "simulated" projects because in a real-world scenario, possible projects need to be compared and measured against each other for their ability to have a significant impact within an organization. For example, some projects would need significant corporate resources that might end up being unavailable. Or, perhaps management will need to be a key role and ends up being uncommitted later in the project. Not comparing possible projects in the planning phase is a largely overlooked issue that cannot be addressed with a "virtual" or "simulated" project. Simulated and virtual projects typically do not adequately demonstrate a student's proficiency.
The final project for our Black Belt Program is a written business plan that utilizes the Six Sigma method to reflect a cost benefit. You are not required to complete the project in a "live" business environment and you do not need to be employed to fulfill this requirement (i.e. it can be hypothetically based). The written business plan is simply a review of your comprehension of the material and your understanding of project implementation.
What do I receive upon certification?
Upon satisfactory completion of your Six Sigma Course, you will receive your stamped Six Sigma Certificate and a Letter of Acknowledgement. Additionally, Black Belt students will receive a Certificate of Project Completion.
Do you offer Master Black Belt Certification?
Yes, we do offer Master Black Belt Certification. However, this option is only available to students that have completed our Black Belt Certification Program. For additional information and pricing, please contact our Customer Care Team.
How many Black Belts are there and how can it improve my career?
A first-order approximation (wild eyed estimate) without the benefit of some research time, I would say there is somewhere between 250,000 and 350,000 Black Belts working full-time in US organizations. Of course, this estimate only considers those “in the main stream.” Naturally, this figure does not include those individuals that are practicing on the fringe (part time). Quite possibly, another 150,000 Black Belts are working full-time outside the United States. Again, this does not include “part-timers.” By taking into account Green Belts, the world wide number might approach 1,500,000.
What are the key differentiators between an experienced Black Belt and a Master Black Belt?
Plain and simple, the illusive key to the realization of six sigma is knowledge. In today’s economy, the capability to harness and deploy knowledge constitutes an essential form of power. It is a form of power than can develop the momentum for and delivery of quantum change.Knowledge represents a corporation’s greatest source of leverage, more than any other factor, including even the idea of measurement, and most certainly the idea of mastering and applying classic quality tools and methods. Simply stated, the functionality of Black Belts and the other six sigma roles can be best characterized as idea mongers, not tool masters – even though many have erroneously characterized Black Belts as the latter.
We must understand that the primary purpose of a Black Belt is to provide project leadership. Naturally, we also recognize that Black Belts must often wield certain tools in the execution of this aim. Black Belts cannot, by any stretch, be considered to possess the same level of tool mastery as, say, statisticians or quality engineers (CQE). In true self-fulfilling manner, the more one tries to circumscribe the Black Belt role with the notion of tool mastery, the more they form the notion that Black Belts are not much different from statisticians or certified quality engineers.Thus, we are compelled to concede that there is no standardized listing or prioritization of tools. Such a listing must remain flexible so as to meet the dynamic needs of local organizations. Of course, the argument against certification logically flows from this reasoning.


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