Benefits of Membership
“Join our Member community and get the best out of it”
As a Member you have below benefits:
access to resources of AACPS free of cost
opportunity to network and connect with the member community
you will be recognized as someone who can contribute to AACPS communities
Your involvement towards good practices
It shows your dedication toward your profession in ethical manner
It gives you an edge in the job market
It adds a differentiator among your colleagues and other stakeholders
100 USD discount on every exam that you appear for
40% on re-attempt of the exam
Priority while exam booking
Body of Knowledge   Tools, techniques and processes
AACPS Membership gives you an instant access to digital editions of all of our Body of Knowledge®. The Body of Knowledge® is a must to have for anyone who wishes to appear for the exams, work as practitioners, lead the team, to deliver results, achieve excellence in their own domain, and to prove your excellence in the crowd. That’s you!
Control your projects and your data AACPS members have unlimited access to the tools, techniques and processes from the popular books and Body of knowledge. These resources help you to collect and manage your projects and project information. You can customize the tools and techniques to meet the particular needs of your project and your organization.
Templates   Community
As a member you can access and request for templates from the Member community on forums or on email support. You can drop a special request to the Member community and avail benefits.
AACPS Members can contribute and join communities across AACPS on the Forums of the respective domain. Our Forums are interactive places for you to meet online, discuss ideas / thoughts, ask for uggestions / solutions, etc Link and connect with your experts in your domain worldwide through wikis, webinars, discussion forums emails and blogs.Use shared documents surveys announcements, popular linksn your
assignments to make it look good. Learn
from experts worldwide about new technologies, advancements in your domain or areas of interest.As AACPS member you can participate in as many communities as you like.
Voluntary Opportunities   Discounts
Expertise is not just in the domain but it’s about people, too, which is why it’s important to get involved with AACPS Member community. Join as a Member or community of a
particular domain, or volunteer your time at AACPS events, and increase your opportunities for visibility worldwide. Foster your leadership styles and connect with the experts in your domain and serve as an expert to others.
You become eligible for discounts after becoming AACPS member. 100 USD discount on exam cost on first attempt. 40% discount on the re-attempt of the exam. Discount on resources, templates, software, etc
AACPS Global 2013. Privacy Policy